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Feng Shui Consultations Available
A Feng Shui analysis of your home could reveal those influences that hold you back from better relationships, health and finances. Life is always better with good Feng Shui. If you are in the Hampton Roads area contact Ann for an appointment.Contact Ann Today .

Feng Shui and the Belmont Horse Race

Did anybody watch the race this Sunday?

Although I don’t know anything about horse racing  I found the two minute horse race at Belmont Downs to be fascinating to watch.  And it was all because of these magnificent creatures. These horses were breathtakingly beautiful. They reverberated with the energy of movement, wealth, glory and the champion spirit. Of course, watching the race made me think of Feng Shui and what horses mean for career success and reputation which leads to financial abundance.

I am not advocating betting on the races but I am suggesting that you get a horse, specifically a metal or ceramic stature of a beautiful, proud horse. Symbolism is strong in Feng Shui and horses represent a powerful, proud, noble energy and victory over adversaries.   Besides exhibiting natural beauty, their sleek muscles suggest efficient movement which can stimulate yang chi and energize any space you put them in.  Horses are often portrayed being ridden by victorious warriors and powerful kings.  They are champions.

Feng Shui Tip:

Display a horse to stimulate yang energy to bring in success and a strong reputation as a victorious goal oriented achiever.   Best places are home offices, entranceways and home offices.  They may be too stimulating for a bedroom but this is up to you!

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