For a more natural lifestyle
Feng Shui Consultations Available
A Feng Shui analysis of your home could reveal those influences that hold you back from better relationships, health and finances. Life is always better with good Feng Shui. If you are in the Hampton Roads area contact Ann for an appointment.Contact Ann Today .

About Ann

Ann Covell: Certified Feng Shui Consultant

I first became aware of Feng Shui over fifteen years ago when I bought my first house. Using Feng Shui to decorate (for at the time I thought Feng Shui was all about decorating) was fun and exciting. I saw changes right away in my personal and professional life and I was soon presented with a new job opportunity and become an administrator at an Oriental medicine school in Austin, Texas.  Here I met healers, teachers and other people who considered Feng Shui to be an essential part of their everyday life. It helped define who they were and how they related to nature and the universe. It fed both my spiritual and practical interests.

My first exposure to Feng Shui was though conversations with a man who was an herbalist, acupuncturist, Qi Gong and Feng Shui master. He treated the physical body but firmly believed that one’s health, luck and quality of life would not change if one’s Feng Shui did not change. He used a compass, required the birth day of each client and did mathematical calculations that seemed impossible to follow.  He was not teaching at the time so I sought out other avenues to learn and this brought me to some wonderful teachers representing the western schools of Feng Shui.

I have studied Feng Shui for over nine years now. I received my certification in the Interior Alignment School of Feng Shui.  I have explored various western schools theories and practices including Black Hat School, Pyramid School of Feng Shui, the Western School of Feng Shui and many other teacher’s theories and practices who had their own little twists and specializations on the subject.  Although deeply respecting the sincerity and beliefs of these teachers and practitioners I couldn’t help feeling there was a big piece missing:  I kept thinking about my first exposure to Feng Shui.

So, I continued my explorations and that lead me back to Classical (compass based) Feng Shui.

My journey led me to the American Feng Shui Institute where I studied the Classic traditions and continue to learn from masters, mentors and from experience.  It is truly a lifelong study.

Feng Shui is deeply personal and specific to each person, each house and each situation. Our personal elements, best directions, challenging directions, philosophical constructs, flying stars, and the natural hidden patterns in our homes influence our journey. We know our environment affects our lives. Just as we eat good nutritious food to affect our bodies so do we use good Feng Shui practices to enhance the positive energies around us while neutralizing the sabotaging energies that are blocking us from attaining the health, wealth, love and creative goals that we that we are striving for. Understanding these truths and learning how to work with them is essential to managing our Feng Shui in a way that is beneficial for us. It clears the way for us to live with passion, clarity and dignity.

I love consulting, teaching and writing about Feng Shui. I believe it to be an efficient, effective and affordable way to bring about peaceful changes in our circumstances and situations. You don’t have to be an interior designer and you don’t need to surround yourself with Asian décor. You do not have to believe in it for it to work. It is one of the universal laws of nature. It is a gift and a life-changing force.


Ann has lived in many parts of the country and still feels at home in New York, Los Angeles and Austin. She has worked as a social worker, bartender, college administrator and assistant to a music promoter and realtor– in no particular order- and is currently based in Virginia Beach where she writes, teaches and practices Feng Shui.

Ann is the editor and chief writer for Feng Shui Naturally, a quarterly e-zine dedicated to Feng Shui teaching and news. She is an active blogger on all things Feng Shui. She has contributed to several publications, such as Cupid’s Coverage, was quoted in The Huffington Post as a Feng Shui expert, and has appeared as a guest on numerous tele-series of life coaches.   One of her hobbies is to visit historic houses, plot out the Feng Shui history of the building and see how the events that played out over time were reflective of its Feng Shui influences.

She is the author of the e-book “The Five Feng Shui Personality Types: A Step By Step Guide to Discovering Your True Self.” It is often said that in Feng Shui it is “all about the elements” and this e-book is a comprehensive guide on everything elemental. The properties of these elements: fire, earth, metal, water and wood are described and discussed and the reader will gain an understanding of how they rule our lives both on the physical plane and in terms of our individual personalities. Truly, you can’t Feng Shui without it!

Contact Ann for Consulting. All sessions are confidential, professional, and custom tailored to your unique needs.

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