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Feng Shui

Image courtesy of Carlos Porto /

Nothing in life is static and this includes Feng Shui. Beginning practitioners may look at a home, compare it against a Bagua and use it as a static rigid map but we know that maps of today may not reflect the changes in the real world. The rigid bagua map is one dimensional and does not include the aspect of time. We are not static creatures, life is not static and our Feng Shui is not static.

What needs to be factored in here is time.

In advanced Feng Shui we talk about Flying Stars and how that has the strongest effect on our lives – in terms of Feng Shui, of course. This school factors in the time element – the stars of today do not have the same meaning as they did 100 years ago, 60 years ago or even 20 years ago. Like everything in life, they go through cycles. Cycles of growth and decay, of beneficial influence, of challenging influence. It takes an advanced practitioner to read and interpret these stars.

Right now we all love the power of the number 8 – we are in period 8 and therefore 8 is the powerful, wang number. So to have an 8 at our front in either the mountain or the water dragon side is quite nice. But in 10 years (2024) we may all be wishing for a 9 at the front door. If you have a permanent 8 now, you will still have a permanent 8 then but the meaning will be different. You moved on, the stars moved on. But since we know it, we can prepare for it and find the appropriate cures and remedies to accommodate the change.

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